In their words: Amodex Stain Swipes are a revolutionary cleaner that removes a vast variety of spills, stains, and marks from your cherished fabrics and surfaces. Permanent makers, whiteboard makers, felt tip, gel & frixion pens, toner, berries, chocolate, coffee, dressing, bloody, grass, crayon, grease, hair dye, makeup, paints, and so much more all disappear with these stain removing wipes. Stain Swipes are safe on washable and fine fabric such as silk, cashmere, wool and works on carpet, upholstery, tile and wood. These incredible wipes are non-toxic, eco-friendly and safe for fabrics, surfaces, and skin.

This product was displayed at Houston Market. Every time someone spilled something on their clothes, they grabbed a Swipe. And let me tell you, it works – on everything! Why not have one for your laundry room, and Swipes for your purse?