The Salem Witches Quilt Finale has Arrived

Many of you – including me – love everything designed by Meg Hawkey of Crabapple Hill Designs and have already started the Salem Witches Quilt Guild panel series.

Drumroll please…….the final pattern in the series which explains how to put it all together will be arriving this month!  This pattern includes the instructions for the blocks used in the sashings and borders used to complete the quilt top. 

CAH348   CAH345

CAH346 (1)    CAH347

And, to celebrate this release, the Witches decided to end the meeting with show and tell.  This pattern is a stand alone which can be made to coordinate with this quilt.


When the first three patterns ARE all in the top 20, you know these are going to be in high demand.  And after those who didn’t commit in the beginning see this, they will want them ALL so order accordingly!