I am so excited! The mats – in all sizes – are back in stock! If you did not get one in your hot little hands when they were first released, let me tell you that they are amazing! Gudrun Erla and I designed these – so I am a little prejudice – but the response has been amazing! We have both had ours for several months and can’t believe how nice they are!

The rack is still free if you order the assortment but you can order them individually as well:

The three larger sizes feature two sided printing – one side is designed specifically for the Stripology series of rulers:

In case you want to do an email blast on these, here are the highlights:
The Creative Grids® Self Healing Rotary Cutting Mat is double-sided. One side features one-inch grids with eighth-inch markings over the entire surface. All numbers are printed outside of the grid area, so they are always visible. Popular 1-1/2″ cuts are highlighted with white stars; 2-1/2″ cuts with white squares. Eighth, quarter, and third-yard cuts are marked with dashed lines for easy reference.
On the three larger sizes: The other side is designed to use with the Creative Grids® Stripology series of rulers. Line up the fabric and rulers on the spaced horizontal half-inch grid lines. That is all you need – no other distracting markings and lines are needed!