Deb Heatherly has created several of your favorite Creative Grids® tools including the Strippy Star and is always figuring out new ways to use them. In Caribbean Stars, she creates secondary stars in the sashings! Simply stunning!

In Teal We Meet Again, the stars are created with the CGR Strippy Star with a secondary design of Shooflies. She includes a ribbon border that creates the perfect ending for this quilt.

Purrsnickity features the Creative Grids® Cat’s Cradle XL tool. What a quick and easy quilt with striking results!

Scrap Dance Stars is the perfect setting for fussy cut pieces or photographs. Once again, the Cat’s Cradle XL makes this a quick and easy quilt!

Deb makes quick work of this separated star with the Creative Grids® Folded Corner Cutter, 2-1/2 inch strips and five-inch squares.

All are due to arrive just in time for Market.